We design your program!
This compilation of attractions in and around Berlin may serve travel parties, school groups, families or individual travelers to prepare their trip. The links attached allow a quick overview of the current program and price level. Berlin 4D is happy to support your group with the design of an individually tailored program . Any ideas and proposals from your side are very welcome. Our advice for school groups and teachers: Do prepare your own program as part of a small project together before arrival. In our experience, this is an excellent prerequisite for the success of your trip. Let us know your ideas! We shall make the best of it. Call us: +49 30 7800 6669 Use our contact form. Or send us an email. |
Categories - Politics, History - Natural Sciences, Technology - Berlin Museums (more of them) - Berlin on Stage (Selection) - Palaces and Parks - Berlin Information - Recreation and Fun |
Politics, History
Visiting the German Bundestag in Berlin
Bookings have to be made well in advance (from 3 months) by writing, groups and individuals have to organize their bookings by themselves, no agency bookings accepted. We support you, if there are any questions related to your visit. https://www.bundestag.de/en/visittheBundestag https://www.bundestag.de/en/visittheBundestag/dome https://www.bundestag.de/en/visittheBundestag/dome/registration-245686 |
Jewish Museum Berlin
Two Millennia of German Jewish History (Architect: Daniel Libeskind) https://www.jmberlin.de/en |
German Resistance Memorial Centre
The German Resistance Memorial Center is located in the Bendler Block in Berlin’s Mitte district, on the historic site of the attempted coup of July 20, 1944. https://www.gdw-berlin.de/en/home/ |
Plötzensee Memorial Centre
commemorating the victims of National Socialism is a site of quiet remembrance. From 1933 to 1945, nearly three thousand people unjustly sentenced to death by the National Socialist judiciary were executed here. https://www.gedenkstaette-ploetzensee.de/en/ |
House of the Wannsee Conference
On January 20th, 1942 fifteen high-ranking civil servants and SS-officers met in this house to discuss plans of "The Final Solution" of the Jewish question in Europe, the decision to deport the Jews of Europe to the East and murder them. https://www.ghwk.de/en/ |
Mauermuseum – Berlin Wall Museum - House at Checkpoint Charlie
The first exhibition opened on the 19 October 1962 in an apartment with only two and a half rooms in famous Bernauer Straße. The street was divided along its whole length; the buildings in the east had been vacated and their windows were bricked up. Now there are 1.700m² of exhibition space spread over three adjoining houses. http://www.mauermuseum.de/en/start/ |
Topography of Terror
Between 1933 and 1945, the central institutions responsible for the repressive and criminal policies of National Socialism were located on the terrain of the Topography of Terror, situated between Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse (today Niederkirchnerstrasse), Wilhelmstrasse and Anhalter Strasse. https://www.topographie.de/en/topography-of-terror/ |
Anne Frank Centre Berlin
Millions of people all over the world know Anne Frank’s diary. Anne Frank was born in 1929 as a child of Jewish parents in Frankfurt/Main. 1933 her family escaped from the National Socialist terror to Amsterdam. https://www.annefrank.de/en/exhibition-berlin/ |
Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
The Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp was built in the summer of 1936 by concentration camp prisoners from the Emsland camps. It was the first new camp to be established after Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler was appointed Chief of the German Police in 1936. (near Oranienburg, approx. 50 min. by S-Bahn) https://www.sachsenhausen-sbg.de/en/ |
Ravensbrück Memorial Site
In November 1938, in the Prussian village of Ravensbrück, near the former Mecklenburg health resort Fürstenberg, the SS had prisoners from Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and elsewhere build the Ravensbrück Women’s Concentration Camp. It was the only large concentration camp on German territory designated for women. (approx. 90 km from Berlin) https://www.ravensbrueck-sbg.de/en/ |
Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial Site
Site and buildings of the former GDR Ministry of Security (MfS) prison https://www.stiftung-hsh.de/en |
German Historical Museum
The Zeughaus foyer, courtyard and shop are opened to the public from 3 April 2004. Exhibition Hall by architect I. M. Pei https://www.dhm.de/en/ |
Brecht-Weigel Memorial Site
Bertolt Brecht lived in this flat on the first floor in the backyard from October 1953 to his death on 14 August 1956. https://www.adk.de/en/archives/museums/brecht-weigel-museum/ |
Anna Seghers Memorial Site
Almost 30 years, from 1955 until her death on 1 June 1983 Anna Seghers lived in her rented flat in Volkswohlstrasse 81, Berlin-Adlershof, now named Anna-Seghers-Street. https://www.adk.de/en/archives/museums/anna-seghers-museum/ |
The Story of Berlin
The exhibition is temporarily closed due to construction works. http://www.story-of-berlin.de/#English |
Berlin Underworlds' Association - descend with us ...
Experience Berlin's history from an unusual perspective. The main themes of these tours are the bombing campaign and civilian shelters, the bunker complexes as well as a selection of objects from below central Berlin, remnants from WWII. https://www.berliner-unterwelten.de/en/index.html |
Holocaust Memorial - Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
The mission of the foundation is the realisation of the resolution passed by the Bundestag on 25 June 1999 to erect and to support the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The memorial is situated in the centre of Berlin. It is a central place for remembrance and commemoration of the murdered victims. https://www.stiftung-denkmal.de/en/memorials/memorial-to-the-murdered-jews-of-europe/ |
Stasi Museum - Forschungs- und Gedenkstätte Normannenstraße
The museum is located in the House 1 in the central complex of the Ministry for State Security in Berlin-Lichtenberg, in which Erich Mielke, last minister for State Security, had his seat. You can visit his offices which are preserved in their original state. Added are a lot of exhibits that sample the activities of the State Security, the different aspects of the political system and the resistance and opposition in the GDR. https://www.stasimuseum.de/en/enindex.htm |
DDR Museum - Life in the GDR - Welcome to one of Europe´s most interactive museums!
Experience history in a vivid, interactive and playful way: The DDR Museum offers you a hands-on experience of the everyday life of a state long gone, the life in socialism. Visitors are welcome to broaden their knowledge in different thematic areas, to reconsider existing clichés and to have a hands-on experience of history. Exhibits are there to be handled - few are kept in glass cabinets. Everything waits to be touched and experienced: Open the drawers and closets, rummage through them and discover! https://www.ddr-museum.de/en |
Otto Weidt’s Workshop for the Blind
The Museum Otto Weidt’s Workshop for the Blind opened on December 5, 2006. It tells the story of Otto Weidt’s Workshop for the Blind. During the Second World War the brush manufacturer Otto Weidt employed mainly blind and deaf Jews who produced brooms and brushes here. Various life stories testify to Otto Weidt’s efforts to protect his Jewish employees from persecution and deportation. As danger grew, he searched for hiding-places for some of them. One of these hideouts was in the rooms that are now part of the museum. https://www.museum-blindenwerkstatt.de/en/ |
Orte der Erinnerung - Sites of Remembrance 1933-1945
In Berlin und Brandenburg gibt es eine Vielzahl von Gedenkstätten, Dokumentationszentren und zeithistorischen Museen, die an die nationalsozialistische Terrorherrschaft erinnern, ihre Geschichte dokumentieren und dem Gedenken an die Opfer gewidmet sind. Am authentischen Ort, in Ausstellungen und Museen können sich Besucherinnen und Besucher dem historischen Geschehen und den Menschen, die mit dieser Geschichte verbunden sind, konkret nähern. https://www.orte-der-erinnerung.de/en/ |
Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer (Bernauer Straße)
The Berlin Wall Memorial is the central memorial site of German division, located in the middle of the capital. Situated at the historic site on Bernauer Strasse, it will eventually extend along 1.4 kilometers of the former border strip. https://www.berliner-mauer-gedenkstaette.de/en/ |
German Spy Museum Berlin
The German Spy Museum Berlin gives a unique insight into the gloom of espionage right where the Wall once divided the city. Visitors are welcome to use the most recent multimedia-based technology to detect all the bizarre and sneaky methods of agents and secret services. https://www.deutsches-spionagemuseum.de/en/ |
Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin - German Museum for Technology
The Deutsches Technikmuseum, founded in 1982, stands in a long tradition of scientific and technical collections. Many of these had their home in Berlin for more than 120 years, and some of these collections have been taken over by the Deutsches Technikmuseum. A great deal, however, was destroyed during the Second World War, or moved elsewhere. https://technikmuseum.berlin/en/ |
Spectrum - Berlin Science Centre
Why is the sky blue? Can you see heat? Any why does a plane stay up in the sky? Just three of the hundreds of questions answered at Science Center Spectrum. https://technikmuseum.berlin/en/spectrum/ |
Zucker Museum - Sugar Museum
In eleven departments the Museum gives the visitor an insight into all fields related to sugar: technology, science and agriculture as well as economic history, folklore and art. https://technikmuseum.berlin/en/exhibitions/permanent-exhibition/sugar/ |
Archenhold-Sternwarte [website in German only]
Its landmark is the enormous telescope, the longest refracting telescope on Earth. It is 21 meters long. Originally, the telescope was only meant to be an exhibition piece for the Berlin Industrial Show in 1896. https://www.planetarium.berlin/en/visit/archenhold-observatory |
Zeiss-Großplanetarium Berlin [website in German only]
What you see in the Planetarium is a projection of the starry sky, so it is always cloudless. Unlike an observatory where you observe the actual stars and planets, the firmament here is artificial. You can take a comfortable seat in the air-conditioned auditorium and gaze up at the planetarium dome. https://www.planetarium.berlin/en/zeiss-grossplanetarium |
Wilhelm-Foerster-Sternwarte mit Planetarium am Insulaner
[website in German only] Das Planetarium mit seiner 20-m-Kuppel gilt nach allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch als "Großplanetarium". Der 1889 von der Firma Carl Bamberg in Berlin-Friedenau fertiggestellte Refraktor mit 314 mm freier Öffnung und 5.000 mm Brennweite steht als Haupt-Führungsinstrument in der 11- m- Kuppel der Sternwarte auf dem Insulaner. https://www.planetarium.berlin/en/visit/planetarium-am-insulaner |
Zoological Garden Berlin (Zoo) and Aquarium
Zoo Berlin the most speciose zoo worldwide. Zoo Berlin is located in the heart of Berlin. Come in and discover the diversity of the animal kingdom. Go with us on a fascinating expedition. Enjoy the taste of wildlife by spotting exotic animals like the long-necked giraffes, majestic lions, strong hippos, curious polar bears and adorable apes. https://www.zoo-berlin.de/en https://www.aquarium-berlin.de/en/ |
Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde
More than 7.000 exotic animals live here in a diverse, spacious park with a historic palace and many highlights. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and go on a journey around the world with us! Spot the famous Big Five! Watch giant herds of buffalos grazing, the majestic lions taking a nap, elephants and rhinos bathing or the cute baby carnivores playing - Enjoy the real safari feeling! https://www.tierpark-berlin.de/en/ |
Botanic Garden und Botanic Museum
Discover one of the most beautiful botanic gardens in the world. Take a stroll in woods and meadows, wander in only a few minutes from Alps to Caucasus, let Far-Eastern plants enchant you and feel the Tropical Rainforest with all your senses. https://www.bgbm.org/en/ |
Museum of Natural History
One of the most important natural history museums of the world. It holds collections of more than 25 million objects. Its height of 13.27 metres makes the Brachiosaurus (Brachiosaurus brancai) skeleton the biggest mounted dinosaur skeleton in the world. https://www.museumfuernaturkunde.berlin/en |
AquaDom & Sea Life Centre Berlin
Discover the different species living in our rivers, lakes and and the sea from sticklebacks to sea horses and sharks. You have a chance to experience colourful corals and over 2000 tropical fishes as you ride up through the centre of the AquaDom - the worlds largest cylinder aquarium. https://www.visitsealife.com/Berlin/en/ |
Biosphäre Potsdam
In the biosphere, the dinosaurs come to life! The giants of the prehistoric world move into our jungle for 5 months. Investigate after the dinosaurs and hear their sounds. You will be surprised, because the prehistoric inhabitants are more alive as you think. https://www.biosphaere-potsdam.de/en |
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – a comprehensive overview over state-run museums in Berlin https://www.smb.museum/en/museums-institutions/all-places-at-a-glance/
Film Museum Berlin – Deutsche Kinemathek (Sony Center)
A journey through film history: from the pioneering years, to silent-film divas and the films of the Weimar Republic; from cinema under National Socialism, exile in Hollywood to the post-war years and contemporary cinema; and at the heart of the exhibition: Marlene Dietrich https://www.deutsche-kinemathek.de/en |
Museumsportal Berlin
At Museumsportal Berlin you can find information about 200 museums, memorials and palaces, as well as details of exhibitions and events. The section "Plan your visit" provides many useful tips about admission fees, free entry, festivals, events and ... https://www.museumsportal-berlin.de/en/ |
Berichte aus allen Museen, Schlössern und Sammlungen in Berlin und Potsdam - Ausstellungskalender, Ausstellungsbesprechungen, Ausgaben- und Artikelrecherche https://www.kulturprojekte.berlin/en/projects/museumsjournal/ |
Jüdische Galerie Berlin - Jewish Gallery Berlin
temporarily closed |
Liebermann-Villa on lake Wannsee / Artist's House, Garden and Museum
In 1909, Max Liebermann had a summer residence built on Lake Wannsee, which he proudly called his “lakeside palace”. It was here, away from the commotion of city life, that he found much-needed tranquillity and the principal subject matter for his late work. In this garden, covering over 7,000 m² and designed according to his own ideas, Liebermann produced more than 200 paintings. https://liebermann-villa.de/en/liebermann-villa/ |
THEATER AN DER PARKAUE – Junges Staatstheater Berlin
[website in German only] Das größte Kinder- und Jugendtheater Deutschlands wurde 1950 in der ehemaligen DDR im Ostteil der Stadt unter dem Namen "Theater der Freundschaft" gegründet und 1992 umbenannt. https://www.parkaue.de/ |
Grips Theater Berlin
Grips is the founder of »emancipatory theatre«. It was the first theatre worldwide to deal socio-critically with the lives and living conditions of children and young people and to incorporate this in original humourous and musical plays. https://www.grips-theater.de/en/ |
BE - Berliner Ensemble - Theater Am Schiffbauerdamm
[website in German only] Seit 1954 Spielstätte des 1949 von Helene Weigel und Bertolt Brecht gegründeten Berliner Ensembles. https://www.berliner-ensemble.de/en |
dt – Deutsches Theater
The Deutsches Theater in Berlin is a theatrical institution with a permanent and highly-acclaimed ensemble. Behind its classical façade, the Deutsches Theater building on Schumannstraße is home to three stages: the main stage, built in 1850, with its intimate auditorium that seats 600; the »Kammerspiele«, established by Max Reinhardt in 1906 for modern drama, which holds some 230 spectators; and the Box, a compact black box located in the Kammerspiele foyer, which opened in 2006. https://www.deutschestheater.de/ |
Maxim Gorki Theater
The Maxim Gorki Theatre, located in the Choral Academy on the boulevard Unter den Linden, is the smallest and most beautiful of Berlin’s ensemble theatres and also a historically significant building. Founded in 1952 as a theatre for contemporary productions, it became a Stadttheater (municipal theatre) for the citizens of East Berlin in the very best sense – it was both critical and dissident. https://www.gorki.de/en |
Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz
https://www.schaubuehne.de/en/start/index.html |
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
https://www.volksbuehne.berlin/#/en/ |
Renaissance-Theater Berlin [website in German only]
Good Berlin (upper) Boulevard Theatre https://renaissance-theater.de/ |
CHAMÄLEON – Music – Theatre - Variety
Located in the trendy quarter of Berlin-Mitte, the Hackesche Höfe are Germany’s largest enclosed courtyard area and one of Berlin’s main attractions. Designed in 1906 by architect August Endell, the complex, with its staggered courtyards and prominent art-historical facades, exudes the typical Berlin flair of Wilhelminian architecture. https://chamaeleonberlin.com/en/ |
Bar jeder Vernunft – Bar – Theatre - Cabaret
There is a place in Schaperstrasse in Wilmersdorf, a little hidden from view, where the glamour of 1920s Berlin with its love of nightlife has found a home again for almost twenty years. Bohéme Sauvage in the BAR JEDER VERNUNFT, a Spiegeltent – from outside unimposing, but on the inside a glittering ball room ... https://www.bar-jeder-vernunft.de/en |
Tränenpalast at S-Bahnhof Friedrichstraße (‘Teardrop Palace’) [website in German only]
The former customs clearance room at the station Friedrichstraße - where the East-Berliners had said their good-byes to their visitors from the West - confessed to its real name and was soon to conquer a prominent position within the cultural life of Berlin. “...We prefer to invite those genres denying any categorisation or those deriving inspiration from the multimedia possibilities of this house. Maybe this is why audio-visual media are among the most frequent guests of the tRÄNENpALAST. ...” http://www.traenenpalast.de |
Die Stachelschweine – Berlin Literary Cabaret [website in German only]
https://www.diestachelschweine.de/ |
Berliner Kriminaltheater - Berlin Criminal Theatre
[web site in German only] Ob Gift oder Schlinge, Pistole oder Messer, ein herabfallender Blumentopf oder ein Würgeengel die Ursache sind - ein Mord muss sein! Hochspannung im Umspannwerk Ost. https://www.kriminaltheater.de/ |
Die Berliner Philharmoniker
https://www.berliner-philharmoniker.de/en/ |
Staatsoper unter den Linden - "Royal Court Opera"
When you have experienced an opera evening at the "Royal Court Opera", you would not only have enjoyed the traditionally excellent performance, you would have also enjoyed the visit to one of the world´s most beautiful opera houses. https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/en/ |
Deutsche Oper Berlin
https://www.deutscheoperberlin.de/en_EN/home |
Konzerthaus Berlin on Gendarmenmarkt
Here Weber successfully premiered his opera „Der Freischütz“, Paganini and Liszt received triumphant applause, Wagner conducted his „Fliegender Holländer“ (The Flying Dutchman), and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 held its Berlin premiere. https://www.konzerthaus.de/en/ |
Komische Oper Berlin
https://www.komische-oper-berlin.de/en/ |
Theater des Westens – Musicals von Stage Entertainment [website in German only]
https://www.stage-entertainment.de/theatervermietung/stage-theater-des-westens-berlin |
Bluemax Theatre at Potsdamer Platz [website in German only]
'Blue Man Group' now in their own theatre https://www.stage-entertainment.de/musicals-shows/blue-man-group-berlin |
Admiralspalast Berlin [website in German only]
Das Traditionshaus an der Friedrichstraße avancierte in den letzten Jahren wieder zu einer der wichtigsten Kultureinrichtungen der Hauptstadt. Das Theater mit seinen zwei Rängen, der großen Bühne und dem opulenten Kronleuchter ist das Herz des Admiralspalastes. https://www.admiralspalast.theater/ |
Estrel Festival Centre Berlin
'Stars in Concert' A STAGE FOR THE WORLD’S BEST IMPERSONATORS They present the hits of the big stars - from Joe Cocker, Louis Armstrong, Whitney Houston, Madonna through to Tina Turner or Elton John. The impersonators sing world-famous hits with perfect facial play and gestures as well as with a stunning resemblance to their originals, and this backed up by a superlative-class stage show. https://www.stars-in-concert.de/en/show-musicals-estrel-berlin.html |
Komödie am Kurfürstendamm - Im Schiller Theater
Boulevard-Theatre at its best [website in German only] https://www.komoedie-berlin.de/ |
Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin - Europe’s biggest Show Palace
https://www.palast.berlin/en/ |
Wintergarten Varieté
The Wintergarten Varieté combines tradition with contemporary variety. In three different shows every year international world-class artistes whisk the audience off to the world of enthralment. https://www.wintergarten-berlin.de/en/ |
TIPI Zelt am Kanzleramt
Where turn-of-the-century Berliners once amused themselves "In the Tents", only a few minutes away from the Reichstag Building and the Brandenburg Gate, in the middle of the Tiergarten park, you encounter one of Berlin's newest venues: the TIPI. http://www.tipi-am-kanzleramt.de/en |
Vaganten Bühne [website in German only] im Delphi-Haus an der Kantstraße, im Herzen des alten Westens von Berlin. Auf dem Spielplan dieses kleinen, bereits 1949 gegründeten Theaters stehen neben Werken zeitgenössischer Autoren oder anspruchsvoll-unterhaltsamer Komödien auch die "Klassiker der Moderne". https://www.vaganten.de/
Palaces and Gardens in Berlin
Charlottenburg Palace and Park, Grunewald Hunting Lodge, Glienicke Park and Palace, Peackock Island Palaces & Gardens | SPSG |
Potsdam’s Park Landscape
Sanssouci Palace and Park, New Garden with Cecilienhof Palace and Marble Palais, Babelsberg Palace and Park, Glienicke Park and Palace, Peackock Island, Sacrow Palace and Park, Stern Hunting Lodge Palaces & Gardens | SPSG |
The Palaces and Gardens in Brandenburg
Rheinsberg Palace and Park, Königs Wusterhausen Palace and Park, Caputh Palace and Park, Oranienburg Palace Museum, Paretz Palace and Park Palaces & Gardens | SPSG |
TIP Berlin - Das eine der beiden traditionellen Berliner Stadtmagazine
Veranstaltungen, Musik, Essen, Kino, Party, Stadtleben, Tickets und noch viel mehr ... https://www.tip-berlin.de/ [website in German only] |
zitty online - Das andere der beiden traditionellen Berliner Stadtmagazine
Veranstaltungen, Musik, Essen, Kino, Party, Stadtleben, Tickets und noch viel mehr ... https://www.zitty.de/ [website in German only] |
Berlin.de - Official Website of the German Capital - Lots of Infos, News, Service Numbers
https://www.berlin.de/en/ |
BVG - Berlin Public Transport
Assistance to anyone wishing to travel in and around Berlin. General advice and help along with specific information for people travelling on specific modes of transport (underground, tram or bus) https://www.bvg.de/en Connections Query Page: https://www.bvg.de/en/connections/connection-search |
S-Bahn Berlin - Short distance trains in and around Berlin and its environs
https://sbahn.berlin/en/ |
DB - Deutsche Bahn - Query Page - regional, national and international trains
https://int.bahn.de/en |
BER - Berlin Brandenburg Airport - Timetables, Arrivals and Departures LIVE
https://ber.berlin-airport.de/en.html |
Berlin Maps on WWW - Find and print your route through Berlin
Berlin.de Stadtplan: https://www.berlin.de/stadtplan/ Berliner-Stadtplan.com: http://www.berliner-stadtplan.com/ |
Berlin Emergency Numbers - Police, Anbulance, Late Night Pharmacies ...
[websites in German only] Emergencies: https://www.berlin.de/polizei/service/so-erreichen-sie-uns/artikel.532842.php Late Night Pharmacies: https://www.akberlin.de/notdienst.html |
Filmpark Babelsberg (Potsdam-Babelsberg, 20 km from Berlin)
Filmpark is located at Europe´s oldest movie-production location, the renowned Media City Babelsberg. For more than 20 years, Filmpark has been captivating its audience with spectacular shows and programs all surrounding the magical wolrd of TV and movie-making. https://www.filmpark-babelsberg.de/ [website in German only] |
Little BIG City Berlin
Immerse yourself in the history of Christmas with its origins, backgrounds and customs in Berlin. Lovingly and faithfully brought to life in miniature. https://www.officiallittlebigcity.com/berlin/en/ |
Tropical Islands Park (60 km south-east of Berlin)
Swim in the South Sea, play at the beach, relax in the lagoon, marvel at the rain forest, flirt in Polynesia, drink a cappuccino in Bali, enjoy the show, dance at the beach party, and love your day! https://www.tropical-islands.de/en/ |
Magic Mountain [website in German only]
Klettererlebnis auf mehr als 2.500m² Kletterfläche im Herzen Berlins https://www.magicmountain.de/ |
Berlin Television Tower at Alexanderplatz
The Television Tower has been marking Berlin's center for the last 35 years. It is one of the most popular motives for photography amongst the Berliners and their guests. Soar 200 meters above ground in only 40 seconds! The floor in the Restaurant rotates twice an hour allowing you a spectacular view of the surrounding city of Berlin. https://tv-turm.de/en/ |
The fastest public lift in Europe soars you up 100m above ground. Spectacular view over Potsdamer Platz and over most of Berlin. https://www.panoramapunkt.de/en/welcome.html |
German Spy Museum
The German Spy Museum Berlin gives a unique insight into the gloom of espionage right where the Wall once divided the city. Visitors are welcome to use the most recent multimedia-based technology to detect all the bizarre and sneaky methods of agents and secret services. https://www.deutsches-spionagemuseum.de/en |
Hertha BSC
Premier League Football in the recently renovated Olympic-Stadium https://www.herthabsc.com/en |
ALBA BERLIN [website in German only]
Premier League Basketball at impressive ‘Max-Schmeling-Halle’ http://www.albaberlin.de |
Eisbären Berlin – EHC Berlin [website in German only]
Premier League Ice Hockey http://www.eisbaeren.de/ |
Füchse Berlin [website in German only]
Berlins erfolgreichstes Handball Team in der Max-Schmeling-Halle. http://www.fuechse.berlin |
Berlin Story
The world's leading documentary about National Socialism and Hitler - in a World War II bunker. How a modern, progressive and cultured state can sink into barbarism in a very short time, culminating in almost unimaginable brutality and genocide. https://www.berlinstory.de/ |
1. FC Union Berlin
Berlin's second premier league football team in their stadium "Alte Försterei" (Old Forestry) Tickets are very hard to get! https://www.fc-union-berlin.de/en/ |
D light-Club - special discothek for visiting schools
Only pre-registered visiting groups to Berlin or Munich who are accompanied by a teacher will be admitted to the club. This policy will be enforced by the D light-staff and professional doorman. https://dlight-club.de/en/ |
Deutschlandmuseum in Berlin
Experiencing, Understanding, Feeling: Time Travel Through German History The Deutschlandmuseum in Berlin invites you to travel back in time. Experience 2000 years of German history in an immersive experience exhibition! https://www.deutschlandmuseum.de/en/ |
Olympic Bell Tower
The observation platform on top of the Bell tower provides an excellent view over the city: from Spandau in the west to the Alexanderplatz and on a clear day to Potsdam and Mueggelberge. https://www.glockenturm.de/en/index.html |
Olympiastadion Berlin - Olympic Stadium
The Berlin Olympic Stadium was constructed for the Olympic Summer Games of 1936. After the reconstruction was completed in summer 2004, Germany biggest stadium once again is ready for events of any kind. https://olympiastadion.berlin/en/home/ |
LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre
Join Mr Brick a Brack and learn exactly how LEGO bricks are made - from the raw materials to the perfect finished product. And learn how to make even greater things next time you're building! https://www.legolanddiscoverycentre.com/berlin/en/ |
Madame Tussauds Berlin
Discover the Madame Tussauds Berlin and meet almost 100 national and international wax figures in nine different zones. https://www.madametussauds.com/Berlin/en/ |
Fotos: © Norbert Meise / © Tim Reckmann pixelio.de